For centuries, scholars have argued about the tension that exists between God's
predestination and our free will. Some have backed a model of determinism, but such
a position holds certain problems, such as the inability of human beings to make
choices that are truly free. This may lead to even greater difficulties such as making
God ultimately responsible for evil actions.
Because of those problems, some Christians
have opted to abandon determinism all together and swung radically to another extreme:
Open Theism. Open Theism is a view that basically says God has the ability to do
anything logically possible and know everything there is to know but undecided future
events cannot be known. The main proponents of this view are Clark Pinnock, Gregory
Boyd and William Hasker.
Basic Views Of Open Theism
1. God does not have to control everything to be sovereign
All Christians agree that God is sovereign. But does this necessarily mean that
God has to control every detail of His creation to be sovereign over it. Bruce Reichenbach
writes "To be sovereign does not mean that everything that occurs accords with
the will of the sovereign or that the sovereign can bring about anything that he
or she wants. The ability of the sovereign to determine the outcome depends, in
part, on the freedom granted to the governed."
Reichenbach notes that sovereignty requires two classes: the governor and the
governed. He then goes on to argue that while the sovereign has the power and authority
to control all aspects of the governed, he also has the power and authority to grant
them some autonomy. "And the more freedom the sovereign grants his subjects,
the less he can control their behavior without withdrawing the very freedom granted."
2. True free will is contrary to determinism.
An important point in the position of indeterminism is the idea that free will
necessarily entails agents to be able to choose a path other than the one that was
actually chosen. If God determines you to do X, and everything that God decrees
must come to pass (He is God after all), then you must do X and you are really not
free to choose another option. Therefore, in order for a person to be free, God
cannot determine all of that person's future.
Reichenbach writes, "Freedom is not the absence of influences, either external
or internal. ...Rather, to be free means that the causal influences do not determine
my choice or my actions." He then says "where we are free, we could have
done other than we did, even though it might have been very difficult to do so."
3. God cannot know certain things.
Christianity has always held that God is omniscient and omnipotent (all knowing
and all powerful). However, this has never meant that God could know or do what
is illogical. For example, God cannot create a square circle because a square circle
is a contradiction. Also, He cannot tell you what color unicorns are since they
don't really exist.
Similarly, open theists maintain that if God would want to create a world where
truly free beings exist, He has the power to do so. However, in order to do so it
means that God must limit Himself, like the sovereign mentioned above. He must voluntarily
give up the ability to know the future decisively.
According to open theism, because free will means that choices become real only
at the time of the choosing, it would be impossible for God to know what that choice
will actually be. Hasker states "So if God knows such a choice, it is the actual
choosing itself that he knows, and nothing else. But if the choice is never in fact
made, then there is no 'actual choosing,' and thus nothing for God to know."
Gregory Boyd supports this point when he writes, "One is not ascribing ignorance
to God by insisting that he doesn't foreknow future free actions if indeed free
actions do not exist to be known until free agents create them."
4. God experiences the future with us.
Because choices don't exist until the chooser makes them, open theism holds that
God experiences and adjusts to events as they happen. Boyd tells us, "The Lord
frequently changes his mind in the light of changing circumstances or in the light
of , he expresses regret and disappointment over how things have turned out, he
tells us he's surprised at how things turned out, for he expected a different outcome,
and in several passages the Lord explicitly tells us that he did not know that humans
would behave the way they did."
Clark Pinnock concurs: "God gives us room to make genuine decisions and
works along side us in the temporal process. What we do matters to God. God responds
to us like a dancer with her partner..."
Objections to Open Theism
The Knowability Of The Future
One of the main tenets of Open Theism is that God cannot know future free actions,
since those actions do not yet exist in reality. They are merely possibilities;
and if an agent is truly free, that agent cannot be bound in any way to one possibility
over another. However, this viewpoint has problems both philosophically and theologically.
In looking at claims about future free acts philosophically, William Lane Craig
answers the common objection offered by open theists that there is no good reason
to deny the truth or falsity of such statements. Such claims are usually posited
in this way: "Why should we accept the view that future-tense statements about
free acts are neither true nor false?...About the only answer given to this question
goes something like this: Future events, unlike present events, do not exist. That
is to say, the future is not 'out there' somewhere."
Craig answers this charge by showing that statements dealing in past-tense events
can be and are considered true or false even though the events of the past, like
those of the future do not exist in our present reality. "For example, [the
statement] 'Reagan won the 1980 presidential election' is true if and only if Reagan
won the 1980 presidential election... Long after the election is over... this statement
will still be true. A future-tense statement is true if matters turn out as the
statement predicts, and false if matters fail to turn out as the statement predicts."
God's Claim To Know The Future
The other problem here is God does claim to know future events (ref. Isaiah 46:10.)
There are many examples of God knowing the future choices of individuals within
the pages of Scripture as well. One of the examples that Gregory Boyd tries to explain
is Peter's denial of Jesus. Boyd writes "we only need to believe that God the
Father knew and revealed to Jesus one very predictable aspect of Peter's character.
Anyone who knew Peter's character perfectly could have predicted that under certain
highly pressured circumstances (that God could easily orchestrate), he would act
just the way he did."
I find this explanation wanting. We must remember that Jesus' words weren't just "you
are going to deny me" which would be predictable, but "you will deny me
three times before the cock crows". In order to "orchestrate" such
an event, God would have had to make sure Peter would wind up in a place where he
would be forced to deny the Lord, and that his accusers would ask him three times
within a defined time period. How Boyd can reconcile the free choices of all these
individuals with all these events being destined to take place, he doesn't discuss.
Needless to say, it would take more than just perfectly knowing a person's makeup
to have the specifics of this prophecy fulfilled.
The Biblical Concept Of Predestination
Of course, the main focus of the Open position is to answer the problems a
hard determinist view raises regarding fatalism and man's freedom .
However, in denying that God in some way determines the actions of man, the open
theist is also denying a Biblical concept - that God has indeed predestined some
to salvation before the beginning of the world. Romans 8:29 is the pivotal verse.
It states "Those whom God foreknew, He predestined to be conformed to the image
of His Son." Boyd tries to explain this to mean "Paul had [spiritual]
Israel as a corporate whole in mind, not individual Jews "
In other words, the church as a group. He uses this same reasoning regarding Ephesians
1:4 and 2 Timothy 1:9.
But we must remember that Romans 8:28 explicitly states that those who belong
to the church are referred to as "the called". In the same chapter, Paul
states that Christ is at the right hand of the Father "who makes intercession
for us" (v.34). If we are to be consistent in this approach, we would have
to say that Jesus' intersession only applies to the church as a corporate entity
and not to individual Christians. But this doesn't make sense in light of the preceding
verses where Paul talks about his individual suffering and how we (as individuals)
eagerly await the redemption of our bodies.
There are other problems raised by the open view, how God sometimes changes His
mind, for example. But in focusing on our discussion, I think you can see how the
open view is a less than satisfying answer to the problems raised by determinism.