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Monday, February 09, 2015

How to Quickly Debunk the Horus-Jesus Myth

I remember the first time I heard the story of the Las Vegas vacationer who took a girl back to his hotel room but passed out, only to awake the next morning in a bathtub filled with ice and a kidney missing—the victim of organ harvesters. I had heard it from a co-worker who said it happened to the friend of a shared friend. Since this was before the age of the Internet, there was no Snopes–type web sites to check out such tales. In fact, I hadn't been acquainted with many urban legends up to that point, so in my youth they were more believable.

I should have known better. While the name of our shared friend lent some credence to the tale, it's obvious that the whole this is too sensationalistic and improbable to be true. It's what used to be called a tall tale, a yarn, a cock-and-bull story. Yet, even though I found it fascinating, the legend didn't spread much beyond our conversation. However, now that social media has been implanted into our circulatory systems, we're much more apt to spread such fertilizer in our interactions with others.

The Horus-Jesus Myth: What's the Connection?

Such is the case with the "Jesus is a copy of pagan myths" trope that seems to be gathering steam in many atheist circles. Some of this has to do with the popularity of the YouTube video Zeitgeist, where the first third of the video tries to compare Jesus and several demi-gods worshipped prior to Jesus's birth. Near the beginning, the narrator makes this claim:
Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior. At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Annointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.

These attributes of Horus, whether original or not, seem to permeate in many cultures of the world, for many other gods are found to have the same general mythological structure.1
Richard Carrier also believes that resurrection stories were "wildly popular among the pagans" and begat a something akin to the standard trope, with the Gospels simply following in this tradition:
Among pagans, genuine sons of god who had to be murdered, buried, and then miraculously resurrected from the dead in order to judge and rule from heaven on high as our divine saviors were actually a common fad of the time, not a shocking novelty at all. Osirus and Romulus were widely worshipped to the tune of such sacred stories demonstrably before the rise of Christianity, and similar stories surrounded other dying-and-rising gods long before such as Zalmoxis, Adonis, and Inanna.2

The Horus-Jesus Myth: Be Critical

Just like the stolen kidney story, the Horus-Jesus connection myth has much of what makes an urban legend appealing: a moral tale that shows how one's gullibility can result in one being taken in with serious consequences, the authoritative yet undefined source, a set of facts that on the surface are seemingly plausible, and the ability to shock others with a sensational revelation. Yet, just like the stolen kidney story, all you need to do is to think a bit and the paper-thin claims of Jesus's stolen resurrection will quickly melt away. Here are five points to consider:

1) Look for Loaded Language

Notice in the Zeitgeist story, all the terms used are ones taken from Christianity. Horus is called a "messiah" and was "baptized." He had "disciples" and a "ministry." All of these terms bias the listener because they are Jewish or Christian concepts. The Egyptians would never use these words to refer to their religious rites. The word messiah had a very specific meaning to the Jews, including being a descendant of David. It wasn't any political figure. Christianity teaches that believers are baptized only once, not simply a pre-religious washing ceremony. By mislabeling other deities with Christian terms, the listener is deluded into believing the similarities are closer than they really are.

2) Ask "Can I read the source of these myths?"

The single easiest way to debunk these supposed parallel accounts of Jesus and Horus are to simply ask for the source text of the myths themselves. Just as the stolen kidney tale can't be verified since it comes from "a friend of a friend," so you'll find that the ancient tales that supposedly parallels the life of Jesus are an extended form of hearsay. In fact, all these claims are usually committing the same sin many atheists claim the Gospels commit: they are more like a game of telephone than real texts.

Interestingly, if anyone actually bothers to look up the source texts, a very different picture arises. For Horus, there's no mention at all of twelve disciples, three king visitations, and death by crucifixion and the three day entombment. In fact, Horus was stung by a scorpion and a magic incantation by the god of wisdom, Thoth, purges the venom from his body. This all happens while Horus was a young child, well before his adulthood and battle for the throne. It's nothing like Jesus's resurrection at all.3

3) Ask "What do you mean by "resurrection?"

There's a significant difference between Jesus's resurrection and what you read in the ancient myths. Osirus, according to a late tradition recorded in the first century AD by the Roman Plutarch, was cut into fourteen pieces by his nemesis Typhon and they were scattered all along the Nile. Osirus's wife Isis was able to gather thirteen of those to reassemble her husband. The tale tells us that unfortunately Osirus's sexual organ was eaten by fish and so Isis assembled another out of gold in order for Osirus to impregnate her with Horus. Osirus, since he will never be a complete being again, now resides as the god of the underworld.4

4) Ask "What do you mean by virgin birth?"

Certainly, given the events above, calling Horus's conception a virgin birth strains the idea to its breaking point. Other fables, such as Zeus impregnating Semele with Dionysus. He had physical relations with her even though she couldn't see him. Zeus took Dionysus as a fetus and sewed him into his thigh and from there Dionysus was born. To say the virgin birth stories should be considered comparable is itself laughable.

5) Ask "Just which calendar were they using in ancient Egypt?"

Lastly, the claims of December 25th are completely erroneous. Many myths don't specify any date at all for the birth of the deities (again, read the originals!) For Horus, Plutarch tells us he was born "about the time of the winter solstice… imperfect and premature."5 Beside the fact that Plutarch mixed many Greek ideas with the Egyptian myths, it is a huge stretch to assume an exact date for Horus's birth. Taking Plutarch's account, the term "about the time of the winter solstice" can be a swing of weeks in either direction. But if the Egyptians wanted to be more precise and attach Horus with the solstice, then his birthday would be the 21/22 of December in the modern calendar, not the 25th. As I've explained before, Jesus's actual birth is not known, and celebrating Christmas on December 25 has nothing to do with the winter solstice whatsoever.

There are other ideas you should have at the ready as well. For more suggestions, see here and here. But it should be evident by now that the supposed evidence of Christianity's plagiarism of earlier myths is itself based on myths and contrivances. Those that offer such views attempt to paint a picture that doesn't exist. Don't let these organ thieves steal your brain. Challenge them to think.


1. Zeitgeist: The Movie. Dir. Peter Joseph. YouTube. YouTube, 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.
2. Carrier, Richard. "Christianity's Success Was Not Incredible". The End of Christianity, John Loftus, Ed. (New York: Prometheus Books, 2011). 59.
3. Budge, E. A Wallis. " The Legend of the Death of Horus - II.--The Narrative of Isis " Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts, Edited with Translations. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trübner, 1912. 170-196. Print. Online text available at
4. Budge "The History of Isis and Osiris -Section XVIII." 224-226. Web.
5. Plutarch. Isis and Osiris. Loeb Classical Library ed. Vol. V. N.p.: Loeb, 1936. Bill Thayer's Web Site. University of Chicago, 9 Oct. 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.*/D.html.


  1. This might be a good place to start.

    Horus Ruins Christmas.

  2. Keith,

    Yes, I'm familiar with the video. It's great. But that won't help someone who is talking with another person on the street. Learning to simply think critically is a skill Christians need to develop. I hope that the points above will help people interact in conversations with others. People sometimes need more than a link to get them to consider another point of view.

    1. Lenny,
      I fully agree. It all starts with critical thinking. The fun part is when critical thinking leads to satire. ;-)

    2. No matter how you guys try to twist the truth, the truth is the truth and Jesus is just the retailing of Horus. How can anyone rely on the White man telling the truth when he has gone through history and Whitewashed everything. Looking for the truth and "searching" for the truth is two different things. Critical thinking, rational and logical thinking is critical. When you think about it two thing can't be just as similar when one thing happen 5000 years before the happen. Horus lived 3000 to 5000 years before Jesus so it is Obvious that the writers of Jesus Christ life is just plagiarism of Horus's life.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      @ Jerry this is way deeper than a black white thing please keep an open mind which ever path you choose it will require an act of faith in that which you cannot be proven by carnal means and research. Lenny mentioned something key in his blog post and that is people need to seek out the original source of information as it pertains to that which they are choosing to debate. People have a tendency to believe that which is appealing to them rather it be the truth or not. And please understand deception is only effective if it appears to be true. May God grace you to see Christ as He does.

      Be blessed my brother, Lenny Thanks for sharing.

    4. Beating a dead horse. Let's pretend Christianity came first... regardless there's no proof of any miracles or magic and the organization thrives on the less informed and close-minded. A shame, but this is the world we live in. There's actually people that claim to know everything just because an ancient book says so. Think for yourselves and realized that we can't know any of this


    6. Jesus was a real person:
      Christ has been described in many books outside of the Bible by historians. Here's a source of many of such scriptures:

      Also, outside of the Bible, a Jewish historian (Josephus) writes about the deaths of the apostles and how some were tortured and killed for believing in the resurrection of Christ. The disciples claim to have seen and even touched Him. If they just made this up, why would they be willing to be tortured and killed for something they knew was "false"?

    7. Sooo.... Pretty sure that white has nooooothing to do with the jesus thing since in the middle east.... And ....yes Romans... Buuuut....still... and the fact that Jesus followers are not only "whites" lmao...defys yes, most religious minds of logic to say that...... Yeah a huge wow. That was a huge wow.

      Also.... Yah.... The ancient Egypt period predates christ hence even old testament so how in the hell did that person get the bible came first... When.. No. The found carved hieroglyphics .... Veres... Yeah........ The new testament time lines...

      Yay for the links, I think I'll check the library for books on the ancient God's.... As well..... people on here are un well I'm running back to Portugal. Scary people. Thanks for the educational options in regards to this topic writer

    8. Look at the council of niccea that should sum all this up

    9. That doesn't sum this all up. I am not even sure how that relates to this. It's when Catholics decided what books would be canon from that time forward, & was only one of several councils held around the 300A.D. period, but that gets the most attention from skeptics & those wanting to prove the scripture came from people with ulterior motives. The truth is it did. Flesh is sin, so God knew He would be using imperfect humans to pass down the story of Christ (which was only intended to tell the story of Christ, from Eve, the mother of all living because umbilical cord to umbilical cord, Christ would come from her. Man in general was created on the 6th day. God rested on the 7th. THEN it focuses on Adam & Eve, all the way through Christ to convey a narrow message about how sinful humans can be with their loving Creator for eternity, even tho God cannot be in the presence of sin & humans would be eternally separated from God if Christ had not have given his holy life to redeem humanity. This was never meant to hold answers to all of lifes questions, it was very specific in it's purpose. God made it this way because He knows man cannot faithfully pass down communication accurately without the nature of flesh man obstructing this in many regards. He knew this message would be passed down, regardless of what groups of flesh men did to try & manipulate access to the knowledge at many times throughout history. It seems that many wanted to keep what they considered deeper or more important truths secret, & treated the story of Christ & His role of Redeemer for flesh man as low level truths with no deeper meanings so it continually was overlooked by those wanting to keep truths to themselves for any number of reasons, which was God's intention to get this truth to every generation. The finer truths can be made known in eternity, but He wants His children to have the opportunity to get there,& to have a choice whether or not to believe in Him. I study as best I can in Hebrew, Greek & some Aramaic manuscripts, even the books excluded from the council of nicea, and have come to this conclusion through these studies. It is only my opinion, obviously, & that is something that each one of us is able to have once we hear any portion of God's word...our own opinion. I think all it takes is some portion of the original texts to make it through, and then a seed is planted in each of our minds that God will cause to grow. We will search for answers in this regard at many different times, & different stages in our lives, & that's what God needs to reach each of us, that seed of curiosity, which God will use to communicate with us everything He wants us to know in our flesh lives. Remember, we are limited by flesh, so we couldn't comprehend any more of the truth than that God has been gracious enough to share with us. It's not the same amount for every person either. It doesn't matter what any other person decides to believe about God, His plan for redemption for mankind, or how much of it He chooses to reveal to each person. All that matters is you should not rely on any other human, who is just as fallible as you, to make ylur decision. You have to do your own research, come to your own decision, which is only between you & God, not whether any organization accepts you, etc. When you start searching for any truth, you will find it eventually, even if it's a long tangled path like mine has been, but you will make a decision when you spend some time looking & it will be unmistakable that God led you to that point when you look back & see things that only make sense to you and God, & that will prove His existence beyond anything anyone in the flesh can tell you. Sorry for rambling, but I cantc scroll up on my phone to check spelling & combine sentences that overlap, etc, to make it more concise, as it will erase my post.

    10. That doesn't sum this all up. I am not even sure how that relates to this. It's when Catholics decided what books would be canon from that time forward, & was only one of several councils held around the 300A.D. period, but that gets the most attention from skeptics & those wanting to prove the scripture came from people with ulterior motives. The truth is it did. Flesh is sin, so God knew He would be using imperfect humans to pass down the story of Christ (which was only intended to tell the story of Christ, from Eve, the mother of all living because umbilical cord to umbilical cord, Christ would come from her. Man in general was created on the 6th day. God rested on the 7th. THEN it focuses on Adam & Eve, all the way through Christ to convey a narrow message about how sinful humans can be with their loving Creator for eternity, even tho God cannot be in the presence of sin & humans would be eternally separated from God if Christ had not have given his holy life to redeem humanity. This was never meant to hold answers to all of lifes questions, it was very specific in it's purpose. God made it this way because He knows man cannot faithfully pass down communication accurately without the nature of flesh man obstructing this in many regards. He knew this message would be passed down, regardless of what groups of flesh men did to try & manipulate access to the knowledge at many times throughout history. It seems that many wanted to keep what they considered deeper or more important truths secret, & treated the story of Christ & His role of Redeemer for flesh man as low level truths with no deeper meanings so it continually was overlooked by those wanting to keep truths to themselves for any number of reasons, which was God's intention to get this truth to every generation. The finer truths can be made known in eternity, but He wants His children to have the opportunity to get there,& to have a choice whether or not to believe in Him. I study as best I can in Hebrew, Greek & some Aramaic manuscripts, even the books excluded from the council of nicea, and have come to this conclusion through these studies. It is only my opinion, obviously, & that is something that each one of us is able to have once we hear any portion of God's word...our own opinion. I think all it takes is some portion of the original texts to make it through, and then a seed is planted in each of our minds that God will cause to grow. We will search for answers in this regard at many different times, & different stages in our lives, & that's what God needs to reach each of us, that seed of curiosity, which God will use to communicate with us everything He wants us to know in our flesh lives. Remember, we are limited by flesh, so we couldn't comprehend any more of the truth than that God has been gracious enough to share with us. It's not the same amount for every person either. It doesn't matter what any other person decides to believe about God, His plan for redemption for mankind, or how much of it He chooses to reveal to each person. All that matters is you should not rely on any other human, who is just as fallible as you, to make ylur decision. You have to do your own research, come to your own decision, which is only between you & God, not whether any organization accepts you, etc. When you start searching for any truth, you will find it eventually, even if it's a long tangled path like mine has been, but you will make a decision when you spend some time looking & it will be unmistakable that God led you to that point when you look back & see things that only make sense to you and God, & that will prove His existence beyond anything anyone in the flesh can tell you. Sorry for rambling. I can't scroll up on my phone to check spelling & make my comments more concise, as it will erase my post. I just felt I should convey this message here, so hopefully it helps someone in their search.

  3. A lot of this 'dozens of resurrecting god-man myths' goes back to 'The Golden Bough' by James Frazer, published in the early 20th century. I own a copy and have read it. Ironically, most of the myths Frazer mentions were collected from Christian missionaries. Hilariously, he gets aspects of the Jesus narrative so wrong that out seems unlikely that he had read the New Testament with any care. Frazer started this meme, at least in the modern era.

  4. 6. Ask what was the great message that Horus preached to the world.

    7. Ask for the names and dates of the prophets who predicted the birth of Horus by hundreds of years.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Ask someone to give you the real names of people described in the bible...last time I checked Paul, John, Thomas, Luke, etc. are not Aramaic......

    2. Perhaps if you realized those names are Anglicized to make it easier on the reader you wouldn't make such foolish statements. The Greek and Hebrew texts don't display them that way. Many people even today do this. I have a friend who came from Italy and is named Giuseppe however he always introduces himself as "Joe" for the sake of those he meets. He isn't lying. The name has the same meaning; Americans are just more used to Joseph than Giuseppe.

    3. So someone else's God story is silly, but your own is somehow legitimate?

      You accuse other's of playing a game of telephone, when you fail to recognize that your own gospels have no reliable, contemporary, extrabibilical sources?

    4. @Lenny myth destroyer there was simply replying to someone trying to add on to your argument. The fact is that the original meaning of all of these ancient texts, including the bible, have most likely long been lost to time. It's naive to think that we have a perfect understanding of something no one alive to day ever witnessed first hand. That coupled with the fact that today's Bible isn't even close to a Primary source for literary argument's essentially debunks near all religious arguments. These arguments remind me of two High School geeks arguing about Marvel and DC super heroes...

    5. I appreciate what you've shared here, so thanks for your insights. I ran into this Horus - Jesus comparison some years back when listening to Jordan Maxwell, and it's only taught me to research things for myself.

      I would add here and emphasize the value of etymology when discussing these types of comparisons. We must ask what languages were used during the life of Horus and what languages were used at the time Yehoshua was on the earth.

      We know that Yehoshua was immersed in a rich culture where Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and Latin were used. Our modern English KJV bible has many word meanings that are worth researching. Some words create a different interpretation of entire ideas in scripture based on how they were translated. So it's very important to consider words, where they are from, and how the act of translation influences our own understanding of many things historically.

      I feel if we are honest enough and research these things, we begin to realize there is much we don't fully understand without the insights of the languages used at these times.

  5. Primary sources and scholar commentary on them support Zeitgeist Part 1:

    ZG1 Sourcebook (transcript, sources, citations & images)

    Primary Sources & Scholars cited in the ZG1 Sourcebook

    No, Zeitgeist has not been refuted!

    Zeitgeist Part 1 & the Supportive Evidence

    Rebuttal to Dr. Chris Forbes

    Religion and the Ph.D.: A Brief History

    Zeitgeist Part 1: The Greatest Story Ever Told

    Astrotheology of the Ancients

    Star Worship of the Ancient Israelites

    ; )

    1. These sources are far from scholarly. They're not academic in any way and the authors don't work in a relevant field of study.

    2. What you wrote about horus, is that the original story? Because I have a friend that believes Jesus was a stolen idea of horus and I know for a fact that Jesus is The Christ

    3. The original story was probably even more bazaar. These are myths, superstitions. Paul, when he went to Athens,and told them of the resurrection of Christ; "They took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof you speak, is?
      For you bring certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean.
      (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)
      Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious."Acts 17:19-22.
      No, this give us a glemps as to how the ancients thought. Had they known other resurrection story's why would they think this so strange? As the account speaks of how they did nothing but talk about "new things"!
      Unknown, don't let some new (old really) thing trip you up, stay the course, keep the faith! Jesus is the Christ! Thanks, Happy Resurrection day! on this April 16th 2017.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Moderator/author, would (or could) you let me see what my comment(10:40 AM) was that got me removed. Just curious, that's all. Maybe send info to my email. If its still available, Thanks!

    6. This may have been deleted inadvertently. Please send it again.

  6. Excellent. Thanks. I've never heard this comparison before , but now I know what to say if I do.


  7. The same problem you have with horus apply to your own mythology. There a thousands of variations to the bible no official bible. They all say different things and your god is the same god as the jews and the muslims and the Islamic people the only difference being the prophet myth you follow. There is no given date of birth for the fictional jesus in any bible so why do you use that date? Your virgin birth is still mystical there is no difference there your magic invisible friend still put a baby in a woman mystically. Resurrection and reanimation are the same fucking thing this is a weak attempt at using symantecs. You kids need to grow up jesus isn't real stop using your mythology and your death cult to destroy the world and justify your endless greed and hate!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Excellently stated! The exact same criteria can be used to debunk Christianity, site, and show me proof that Christ walked the earth? What Scholars, and artists wrote or talked about him? I've found no evidence at all to support the myth of Jesus!

    3. What an ignorant statement. I love that skeptics fancy themselves the thinkers and religious people are unthinking fools. The exact opposite is true. First of all, there are third party sources that mention Jesus immediately after his death, then he is immediately the most mentioned figure in all of human history from then to today. If you think a government (I already know your inane counter response) can be responsible for this, then you're just ignorant. But the Gospels and Epistles themselves ARE evidence that Jesus existed. There are multiple accounts of his ministry, death, burial and resurrection, and many of the people who died in horrifying ways went to their deaths professing Christ. This is not like religious people today dying for their religion. These early Christians would have KNOWN their religion was a lie if they, in fact, make it up. Yet they died for it. Don't say there's no evidence; that's absurd. Just say it's not compelling to you. At least then your statements can be taken out of the realm of the absurd and elevated to simply the foolish.

    4. The fact that people were willing to die isn't proof. I can think of several events in my life where people were willing to die for something false. Heavens gate, Jonestown, David Koresh to name a few.

    5. Unknown, you did not listen to what Kevin was saying, as he made a great point; “This is not like religious people today dying for their religion. These early Christians would have KNOWN their religion was a lie if they, in fact, make it up.” See, John was the one who said it best as, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:1-3.
      This is again expressed by Peter; “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” 2 Peter 1:16. This is why they could die for Christ, as they knew He was the real deal, the Christ (Son of God)., as they saw him after he was resurrected.
      See, these men did not need faith, as they saw it! Jesus even told Thomas; “..Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29. That’s us today, as we are more blessed, because we have to believe what is written down. Its God way, as God use’s the foolishness of preaching the Gospel to save, 1 Corinthians 1:21. But for those that actually saw these things it was not faith, like we need today, they where eye witness’s!
      Bottom line, as John said, “… declare we unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” We share these same sentiments with you so that you may join the fellowship of the redeemed, the saved, for Jesus said this ( speaking grammatically in the third person), “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16,17. You, like us, are a part of the “whosoever’s” of the world!

  8. the astrological analogy of horus and the egyptian mythology makes a lot of sense to me

  9. This is all such a lie. I love how you dwell on the importance of critical thinking when you don't even know basic history. First off, Julian ( Roman Emperor 361-363 was the last emperor before Constantine who turned the Roman Empire into a Christian belief system who said and I quote Accordingly, unless every one of these legends is a myth that involves some secret interpretation, as I indeed believe, they are filled with many blasphemous sayings about God. For in the first place to be ignorant that she who was created as a help meet would be the cause of the fall; secondly to refuse the knowledge of good and bad, which knowledge alone seems to give coherence to the mind of man; and lastly to be jealous lest man should take of the tree of life and from mortal become immortal,---- this is to be grudging and envious overmuch."

    How do you not notice all of the parralels to astronomy from the bible?! I mean seriously, are you that naive or mentally retarded?

    w art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    IN WHAT WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN WHERE THAT IS NOT OBVIOUSLY DESCRIBING THE PLANET VENUS?! Venus is the morning star, the only planet visible at dawn. Ancients knew all of this and EVERYBODY worshipped the sun! Even in the Roman Empire we had before "Christianity" Sol Invictus -- Shit, why do you think even Stonehenge has the sun shine through it perfectly during the solstices?! Why do the pyrmads line up perfect with Sirius to let the light shine on the queens temple at night? Do you think these people were stupid? NO.

    I quote again- Emperor Julians Oration to the Sun

    . For as to the planets, it is manifest, that, dancing, as it were, round the sun, their motions are measured by a certain symphony of figures with respect to the god; to which we may add, that the whole heavens harmonizing.

    But wait I thought we didnt know the sun was the center of the universe until a couple hundred years ago? Weird since this was written in 360 CE!!!!!

    Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire and a patron of soldiers.

    On the walls of the damn luxor we literally see Mary being impregnated as a virgin, adored by 3 kings and anubis ( portrayed as dog after sirius the dog star)

    For gods sake look the the IHS SYMBOL OF JESUS! IT IS THE SUN ON A CROSS. The sun is 100000% in fact born of a virgin followed by 3 kings and a star in the east on December 25. This is proven and if you don't believe me go download stellarium (an astronimical tool to plan sunrises) type in the year 4 Month 12 and day 24-25. You can even do a time lapse of the sun rising on that day. It LITERALLY dies on the cross and is RESURRECTED after 3 days.

    In the end, EVERYTHING comes from egypt. The all seeing eye which represents the pineal gland "third eye" in which is shaped like a pinecone. The all seeing eye is what buddhist try to inhibit while meditating as it makes you enlightened. Look at the eye of horus and the pineal gland. It is literally the same thing. So much so that the pine cone is not just popular in egyption mythology, but also on the heads of hindu cultures, buddhist cultures and of course the giant damn pine cone in front of the vaticant! It is about find CHRIST WITHIN YOURSELVES NOT IN A LITERAL SENSE. It is about ascension and raising the "oil of christ" from the base of the spine into the pineal gland which are the heavens. This all physiologically 100% actually happens. This is the science behind why people love meditating. I CAN GO ON ALL DAY.

    1. A million Thanks don't be afraid many are waking up to the truth well articulated comment

    2. Actually, a huge amount of Egyptian/Mitsraite mythology in conceit and practicre came from Babylon.

    3. EVERYBODY worshiped the sun and the stars? No, not everyone, as the Jews did not. They knew who made them and worship Him (the God) that made heaven and earth. God chose Abraham to be the father of a Nation of people’s that would believe in and worship Him who was deserving such worship.
      Abraham had a son named Isaac and he had a son called Jacob. These were the ones the true God would be named after, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But, Jacob had 12 son’s and they became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Without them we today would not know the true God, maker of all things. Jesus, their messiah (savor) would come out of one of these tribes.
      They failed to recognize him as their savor, (though many did) and to this day they have not believed the report of new testament. The one’s who do are called, Messianic Jews. The rest of the believers are the Gentile, anyone not born in the Jewish family.
      They had a turbulent history due to their often faithlessness, but are now back in their homeland, due in part to Gods hand and the United States President Truman in 1948.
      Your scope is very limited to say the least without the old and new testaments of history to Gods intervention and faithfulness to His people.

    4. I don't like meditating...

  10. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Lol, this is like arguing over lord of the rings and harry potter

  11. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Thank you, I now know what to say when this is mentioned. People will always oppose the gospel of truth, because of the love of self, they hate the goodness of the Lord. The gospel will usually be tried with creative things, but it will always remain true. These are prone to happen because people will be getting more evil, so always be ready to correct them, and lead them to Christ. God be with you all

  12. Bhhhaaaaahhaaa! Your myth told in christianity is that jesus died on friday and rose three days later. So Friday to Sunday morning is three days. No. Secondly God I am not atheist I am just not religious. Why? Because christianity has painted the alledged savior as a white man and just like white slavemasters so everyone would see white slave owners as being closer to jesus. Now whether the stories parallel or not your religion is a cheap imitation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Europeans tried to copy all of the Egyptian writings but couldnt so the made up parts to benefit themselves. This is a laughable column you wrote because it does not address any of the real issues.

    1. Christ waa actually most likely crucified on a Wednesday, and put in the tomb before sundown per Jewish law. Jesus then resurrected some time Saturday over night, the 3rd full day. Also, I don't celebrate traditions of men, such as Easter, Christmas, etc, but I was taught that Christ was conceived sometime in December & was born in September (as the manger He was born & the whole scenario would be impossible in the freezing winter). I'm not sure why anyone would claim jesus was "white" (tribe of Israel fled to the Caucasas mountains, became known as Caucasion, but Christ was a Jew, without question). No one in the middle east at that time was "white". One can't claim to believe God's Word, and the letter written by the prophets under inspiration from God commonly called the Bible, and deny that Yeshua Messiah was Jewish.

  13. Hahaha

    Okay okay, so,

    Ask about where it was writen down (because goodness knows if they don't know then it just doesn't exist lol)

    Point out all the ways Horus and Jesus were DIFFERENT, because that completely negates all the ways they're the same.... Somehow...

    Bring up Zeus! Because THAT makes sense!!

    Point out how it was writen in another language so it "doesn't count", you know, cuz the Bible was writen in English.

    Whine over semantics......


    Oh yes!! This whole thing is THOROUGHLY debunked, well done ��������������������
    (feel the sarcasm)

    None of that changes the fact the Jesus took all his key points from Horus.... Nothing can change that. Haha

    1. You've never read any of the Horus myths themselves, have you? Can you point me to even one translation where these supposed key points exist?

    2. Just a quick question, Why does the depiction of the virgin mary resembles the depiction of isis mothering horus (634 BC(Before Christ))?

    3. "Why does the depiction of the virgin mary [sic] resembles [sic] the depiction of isis [sic] mothering horus [sic] (634 BC(Before Christ))?"

      You might find the answer to that by asking yourself, "Why do depictions of the Virgin Mary mothering Jesus resemble depictions of any woman mothering her baby?"

    4. The Catholic Church is the one that came up with the images of the Virgin Mary with child because they change pagan Rome into a mixture of pagan and Christian practices in order to gain more pagan converts, thus having more control. In the book Hislop's Two Babylons it is easy to see where in the Babylon of Nimrod began the worship of a woman in the image of a goddess with child and how this and many other things ended up in Egypt, then Greece, and then Rome and throughout the rest of the world.

    5. Not quite! I am no Catholic, but they did not have anything to do with the virgin birth origination as it was the prophesy of hundreds of years before when in Isaiah 7:14 he prophesies;
      "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." That Immanuel (God with us) is Jesus Christ.

    6. He clearly said the Catholic Church came up with the "IMAGES of the Virgin Mary with child." I don't know if that's accurate, but they are responsible for lots of traditions of men intermingled with God's word, so I wouldn't argure in their favor myself (though the individual members of that faith aren't all to blame). That's above my pay grade to make judgments about those who were responsible for misleading so many).

  14. The deception is real.My trust is in the Christ,not pagan myths.

  15. I would like to know where you found the true facts about Horus, and others used to increase the strength of this myth
    I could only find the misleading ones, in fact these stories were used on a supposed Christian who gave because of the persuasive power of these myths along with other so called evidence

  16. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Religion divides. Knowledge Unites. Think for yourself. Pictures are worthy 1000 words right? Here's photo evidence that would stand in any reasonable court for a conviction of plagiarism.

    All photo evidence that would stand in any reasonable court as a conviction of plagiarism.

    *Notes added to help with what you're seeing.*

    1. Please read Romans 1. With focus on verses 18-25...21-because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts,and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22-Professing to be wise,they became fools,23-and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four footed animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25-who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator , who is blessed forever. Amen...... so we can can conclude from these scriptures that the ancient Egyptians had a "knowledge" of God but went astray along with other ancient cultures with similar stories...

    2. @religion divides, I watched about 5 minutes of the video before I stopped. The only thing that it points out are similarities between depictions of Egyptian gods and the Hebrew God. I mean, some of the first images are of this sun disk behind the Egyptian gods, and then they find pictures of Mary with the sun behind her head. And then they say "plagiarism!" All it really means is that out of the thousands or hundreds of thousands of ancient pictures depicting the bible, they found some with the sun behind Mary's head. The bible itself says nothing about a sun behind Mary's head, it's simply a depiction that was common in that time.... Next, just because there are lions and cows in both Egyptian mythology and in the bible does not mean that one copied the other. This is absolutely ridiculous. Or the fact that both mention tablets of stone. It just means that this was a way to write down information and both civilizations reference this in their holy books. Finally, I stopped watching after the cross since some artists copied the Egyptian cross for use in their portrayals of the Christian cross. It doesn't change the fact that Jesus or thousands of other Jewish people were crucified by Roman authorities. Jesus was actually crucified on a tree, He simply carried the cross-bar there. Check the facts, do not be so easily influenced by emotionalism or a handful of representations of scenes from the bible or Egyptian mythology. Egyptian mythology was written with plenty of legendary content. The authors of the gospel accounts, however, sought to give an accurate, historical account, as Luke was known for his extreme attention to detail. Also, most theologians date the writing of 1 Corinthians to within a few years of Jesus' death, far earlier than most "historical" figures; say for instance, Alexander the great, whose earliest account was written 400 years after his death. Keep an open mind, but think through the facts. Not everyone who is a believer is uninformed and unintelligent.

    3. Great word brother! Speaking of believers that are uninformed and unintelligent, look at Newton! He was a great believer, and highly intelligent to say the least. But as to your saying Jesus was crucified on a tree, the only one who said that was Peter 2 Peter 2:24. And of course Paul speaking of the curse; "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:" Galatians 3:13. This is what Peter had in mind, since Christ did take our sins and even our diseases, by who's strips we are healed, all being a curse, and now hung on a cross made of a tree. But, I dont think the Romans would go that far as to use an actual tree. Remember there was one male factor on each side of The Lord. The idea was the cross was made from a tree. But, for sure they did not take pictures of it, there is however, a seal reflecting ancient Greek crucifixions, around the second century, showing a cross similar to many paintings of today. But, the main thing is, He did die for us!

    4. Are you joking? In 2018, most people can't trust their eyes. Any visual representation can be faked in the present day, so that's an addage that is dead.

  17. Please read Romans 1. With focus on verses 18-25...21-because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts,and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22-Professing to be wise,they became fools,23-and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four footed animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25-who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator , who is blessed forever. Amen...... so we can can conclude from these scriptures that the ancient Egyptians had a "knowledge" of God but went astray along with other ancient cultures with similar stories...

  18. Jesus is the Truth the Light and the Way. No matter what is written here the Truth will be the Truth, that can never change no matter how much you deny, disagree and debate. If you believe you believe through Faith not through fact. Critical thinking has an ending and a beginning, it is finite. Truth is infinite, it has no beginning and no ending. It always "was", "is" and "will be" Truth..... There is nothing to explain and there is nothing to prove. It just is....

  19. I believe in Jesus because of what is in my heart. You either believe or you don't. Unfortunately there is not much hard evidence that Jesus existed although most scholars admit he probably existed as a man. Just as Horus did I am sure too. The problem is when you say there is hard evidence written in stone that Horus was exactly like Jesus and Jesus was based on him when there is no writings and no carvings in Egypt anywhere that show this. The story is not even close. If you listen to the whole history of everything written about Horus you will you see anything that remotely resembles Jesus? No not all. Regardless of what you believe spiritually it doesn't matter, Horus has nothing to do with Jesus at all in any way shape or form. Period

    1. Willful ignorance is an easy way out of thinking all the time good job. Look beyond horus. Try comparing Christ to the 200 plus other Sun gods born of a virgin who died on a cross and was resurrected after three days just thousands of years before any mention of a Jesus.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Let's throw out all the texts that Support both side of each argument. I think we all can agree that We all have life. And life begins somewhere. That just proves you don't know everything. Then ask your self, Who knows? And if you listen to yourself you will also find that there is a deep need for you to belong. So if it's all a myth, then why do you feel that way. Something should now also tell you, a written myth does not haved the answers for us to justify what we feel. You all belong to life. And God gave us all life.

  22. So basically..what you are saying is - cherry pick strawmen to try and cover up the fact Christianity was directly copied from Egypt. Just google the word "Ankh" or "amen-ra" ... Those are two SMOKING GUNS not listed here (because the author knows she can't explain those away)

  23. Willfull ignorance is the true sign of faith in Christ.To be a Christian you must be able to talk down facts in every way that go against your ignorance. Holy Bible literally means Sun Book. But this shouldn't worry the christian. They should hide behind the ignorance god gave them. Ignorance is the blissful blessing of god.

  24. Never waste time trying to educate a Christian. They have chosen to be ignorant.

  25. Christians are wise.

  26. A white guy writing all this in a bid to sway people from reading real history. Fact still remains Christianity is ancient Kemetic/Egyptian religion and spiritual practices reframed to fit the Europeans and specifically white supremacists' suitability!!
    They stole our ways and institutions like the Vatican have been responsible for hiding the truth by creating bogus crap like "EGYPTOLOGY" to filter what is discovered!! Much like how those very "egyptologists" try to Europeanise the drawings of people in the Pyramids by shading them white from black!! Spare us please people aren't that gullible anymore!!!!

    1. You wrote "a bid to sway people from reading real history." Please point me to the actual translation of the Egyptian text you're talking about.

  27. #Fact
    Christianity is ancient Kemetic/Egyptian religious and spiritual practices reframed to fit the Europeans more specifically white supremacists' suitability!! The Greeks came seeking knowledge from these great black men and took what they got and along with that knowledge were the religious practices then they went to BYBLOS (at the time it was the largest source of writing materials i.e Papyrus) hence the name BIBLE.
    They stole our ways and institutions like the Vatican have been responsible for hiding the truth by creating bogus crap like "EGYPTOLOGY" to filter what is discovered!! Much like how those very "egyptologists" try to Europeanise the drawings of people in the Pyramids by shading them white from black!! Christianity was successfully indoctrinated into people especially Africans so that they'd always look to the white man as God...

  28. According to Mormons the birthdate of Jesus was revealed as April 6--and yes He resurrected on His 34th birthday---or maybe that was His "second-birth" day. Whatever. And many protestant Bible scholars have come to a conclusion that Jesus may have been born in October and the wisemen came in January (Epiphany) a few months later or a year and few months later. One thing is for sure, there is no number attached to "wisemen", not magi or kings and the fact that Horus actually has 3 kings visiting him is immaterial. Besides, didn't Abraham live in ancient Egypt for awhile? Maybe some of these stories went the "other" way starting out as truth and became changed through mythology.

    1. I would recommend researching ancient Phoenicia, especially the Tunisia colonies. Phoenicians were trained sailors and tradesmen. You'll see that Egyptian culture influenced them, and then Phoenicians brought their ideas to Syria/Lebanon, the start of the Abrahamic religions

  29. i am glad to have found this website. So much misinformation out there put out by people with anti-bible agenda.

  30. There are are people that live underwater, people that live at the surface, and people who live above. No the stage of the person you are speaking with before expecting to have influence. Some people simply prefer to live below the surface. The real people to reach, are the ones at the surface. Although the Horus connection may not be entirely accurate, the link is undeniable

    1. Thank you for saying that!
      I hate how Christians literally cherry pick things from the Bible to fit their narrative and then when someone tries to draw connections with other myths, even the slightest difference is automatically considered invalid and just wrong.
      Like okay, what about all the errors and inconsistencies in the bible?
      A true sign of religious hypocrisy is unwillingness to judge your own religion the way you judge others, without bias.

  31. those things in egypt did not exist at the time then present, they were only prophetic announcements of future events that were yet to come,

    so bible believers copied nothing.

    Horus Is What They Called Ishoa/EE-sho/the Giver Of Life(jesus) in ancient egypt, so Ishoa Is the Fulfillment of all prophecy, both egyptian and hebrew,

    for both the egyptian and hebrew prophets spoke of the Coming Lebanese-Copper Skinned Messiah Who Was Slain Before the foundation of the world.

    we Messianic believers stole nothing from kemet or egypt, rather it was modern-day kemet who stole our hieroglyphs(made by shem, ham, japheth and their descendants) and prophecies and misinterpreted them in turning those things into the foolishness of gods and goddesses,

    instead of rightly interpreting those things as depictions of great ancient prophecies so originally composed to point all future generations to the Coming Of Ishoa, the One True Giver Of Life, and the Morning Star Of Heaven's Rising.

    Horus was just the Prophetic Announcement of the Coming Of Ishoa/EE-sho/the Giver Of Life(jesus),

    Ishoa, He Who Would One Day Be Hailed as the Physical Manifestation and Incarnation Of God In What Would Become Alluded To as God's Only Begotten and Resurrected Body Of Immortal Flesh,

    ergo you speak of copies of egyptian originals as erected by shem, ham, japheth(the sons of noah) and their descendants depicting the Creation as told to them by their father adam(adum-ra) and the Celestial Coming of the Second-Adam(Adum) Who Is Glorified as the Messiah of isr'al,

    the Man Hailed In Timeless Array as the Original Blueprint of creation, the Image Of Incorruption That Was Not Yet and Laying Dormant In the Consciousness Of God Throughout All Of Eternity Long Before the world began, and Yet an Image That God Always Saw Himself Bringing Forth/Begetting and Becoming At His Bodily Resurrection from the house of the dead,

    the Man He Acknowledged Throughout Eternity as HIS TRUE IDENTITY As Though It Already Was,

    the Man Which Was Before the foundation of the world,

    Which Is Now In Heaven In Bodily Incorruption and Array,

    and Therefore a Body Of Incorruption Which Is To Come upon His people at the end of the age,

    the Man Whom all things were patterned after,

    Ishoa/EE-sho/the Giver Of Life,

    the Original Man Whose Physical Likeness(Not Incorruptible Nature) adam was patterned after,

    nothing more,

    so take your misinterpretations of disbelief to those gullible enough to follow in all the footsteps of your fallacies,

    for we nazarenes are a bold and sturdy breed, immune to the lies of the cult of modern-day kemet 😏


    In the Original Aramaic Scriptures, Ishoa's Very Own Manifestation as the Holy Spirit Is Always In,

    "the Feminine Tense",

    and Therefore This Man Ishoa Is Not Only "Proverbially" Depicted the One and Only True Father Of His New Creation Definitive as His Incarnate Embodiment as the Son In Redemption,

    But Also as a Spiritual Mother,

    a Spiritual Mother Who Boldly Regenerates, Comforts, Nutures, Nourishes, Instructs us, Teaches us, and Gives Understanding and Wisdom as the Life-Giving Spirit Who Is the Bringer Of Balance as to Ishoa's Very Own Manifestations as the Father and the Son, Hence, the Bringer of the Brand New Birth In Which Ishoa Became the Minister as well as the Sole Administrator Of His Own Spiritual Circumcision Defined as Becoming Born-Again Of Above as to Cross-Over from the realm of death unto Life, the Stripping Away of the old man as Seen In the Regeneration of the New hallalu'Marya amein 😗

    "babylon beware"



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