Last week, I
wrote about an online conversation I had with an atheist who accused me of
making a God of the gaps type argument for the origin of life, even though all
the observational evidence across humanity's history demonstrates that
life comes from life. He claimed that "Science may well provide an answer to
the origin of life in the future," whereby he commits the very fallacy he
accused me of committing. While not appealing to a God of the gaps, he is
certainly appealing to "
of the gaps."
In our engagement, I asked for some justification for such
an unwarranted claim. He leaned on this explanation:
Apocryphally, Edison learned 999 "wrong" ways to make a light bulb in in the
process of finding 1 "right" way. (Was he ever really wrong?) Obviously,
science has proposed wrong explanations many times as it approaches the
truth. The more pertinent inquiry would be "Are there any cases where
science has settled on an explanation only to be proven wrong by a theistic
explanation?" Because the reverse admits of many, easy historical examples.
His reasoning is misleading in many ways. First, there's a significant
difference between a single research project, such as Edison's testing of
different material for light bulb filaments versus the assumption that science
can answer every question of origins. That's a simple category error. By using
Edison as an example, and then saying that the entire discipline of science is
functioning in the same way, he has equivocated how an experiment works with how
a consensus is built.
Not Counting Wrong Conclusions
In fact, accepting new scientific conclusions works in a much different way
than Edison's trial-and-error approach. In his book
The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn has demonstrated that science isn't the incremental set
of discoveries most think it is. When one really studies the history of
scientific discovery, one finds the personal beliefs and biases of scientists
themselves color their investigations. Kuhn writes "An apparently arbitrary
element, compounded of personal and historical accident, is always a formative
ingredient of the beliefs espoused by a given scientific community at a given
1 He explains in his book how scientific research
is "a strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the conceptual boxes
supplied by professional education."
Perhaps science
does not develop by the accumulation of individual discoveries and inventions.
Simultaneously, these same historians confront growing difficulties in
distinguishing the "scientific" component of past observation and belief from
what their predecessors had readily labeled "error" and "superstition."
Exactly, It's easy to claim science always advances
forward if you don't count any of the conclusions that we now reject as science,
but label them error or superstition.
Kuhn explains that in the enterprise
of science, scientists are not readily willing to give up on their
preconceptions and biases:
Normal science, the activity in which most scientists inevitably spend
almost all their time, is predicated on the assumption that the scientific
community knows what the world is like. Much of the success of the
enterprise derives from the community's willingness to defend that
assumption, if necessary at considerable cost.
Scientists Tend Toward Stasis
All of this means that many scientists will accept their current
understanding of the scientific landscape and a kind of stasis will develop.
Students learn their scientific assumptions from their professors, who teach
what they also had learned to be true. Kuhn coined the term "paradigm" to
describe this common set of assumptions. It isn't until there become so many
problems or deviations from what was expected given the prevailing paradigm that
a flurry of new research will ensue and may create a paradigm shift—a new idea
replacing the old one:
Normal science, for example, often suppresses fundamental novelties because
they are necessarily subversive of its basic commitments. Nevertheless, so
long as those commitments retain an element of the arbitrary, the very
nature of normal research ensures that novelty shall not be suppressed for
very long.
… When the profession can no longer evade anomalies that
subvert the existing tradition of scientific practice—then begin the
extraordinary investigations that lead the profession at last to a new set
of commitments, a new basis for the practice of science.
This is the common pattern in the history of science. It isn't a smooth slope
upwards of increasing knowledge. It has fits and starts. It has many dead ends.
Scientists get things wrong, such as the alchemists trying to turn lead into
gold, but the atheists don't count them. They claim "that wasn't science, it was
superstition." Still, the tree of modern chemistry grows from the roots of
Don't Assume Science will Always Succeed
Remember, "science" makes no claims; scientists do. As I've
said before, "scientists are not immune to bias, deceit, greed or the quest
for fame and power any more than the rest of us. In fact, scientists ARE the
rest of us!"
5 I've illustrated that even when scientists
reach a consensus, it
doesn't mean their conclusions are correct.
Thus it is just as likely
that science will not find the answer to the origin of life. It may be the
search for turning material into life may be like the search for turning lead
into gold. To hold to a science of the gaps theory offers no real advance in
knowledge; it is simply shows one's willingness to defend their paradigm and at
considerable cost.