Not many people think
about Jesus and his intellect, but Jesus was the smartest man who ever lived. He
wasnt a philosopher, but
he could argue logically and philosophically when the need arose. For
example, in one passage of scripture, the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus by
asking him if the faithful Jews should pay taxes to Caesar or if they should
rather choose to love God. Jesus unraveled their trap by
pointing out the logical fallacy hidden in their question.
The Pharisees
weren't the only ones, though, that tried to trap Jesus. The Sadducees, who were
another group within first century Judaism and the sect that had the
primary control over the Temple in Jerusalem, also tried to catch Jesus by
asking him a question. In Mark 12:19:27, they offer a thought experiment, one
that was designed to prove their belief that once people die, they cease to
1 They asked Jesus to imagine a man who has six
brothers. He married a woman, but then died, leaving the wife childless. They
then said that the mans brother took the woman for his wife, but he also died,
and so did all the brothers, each after taking the woman as his own wife. (One
must wonder what kind of a scary cook such a woman would be!) Finally the woman
dies. The Sadducees then inquire "In the resurrection, when they rise again,
whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife. (Mark 12:23)"
Trying To Leverage the Reductio
In this example, the Sadducees are using as tactic from logic known as
arguing from absurdity or the more formal Latin title of
reductio ad absurdum.
Basically, the tactic is to take whatever proposition one is arguing against and
follow it even in an extreme situation to see if the proposition still makes
sense. Parents are famous for this tactic. After asking to stay home alone
because your friend Johnny is allowed, you may have heard them respond, "If
Johnny jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?"
Reducing an argument to
absurdity is in itself not a fallacy; in fact it can be very effective in
clarifying the points of someones position. I've used it myself in
arguing against abortion. But, the problem with this attempt is the
Sadducees were committing another fallacy in their argument. They assumed that
because people experience marriage in one way on this earth, that experience
will continue to be true in heaven. This is known as the fallacy of composition
or the part-to-whole fallacy. Simply because a man and a woman are properly
joined in the covenant of marriage on this earth, doesnt mean that that bond
will extend beyond the grave. Jesus makes this clear when he corrects them,
saying "Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the
Scriptures nor the power of God? For when they rise from the dead, they neither
marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven" (Mark 12:24-25,
The Fallacy of Composition
Jesus makes it clear that marriage is as we say ion our vows today: until
death do us part. The Sadducees assumed that such a union made no sense with the
wife and the seven brothers in heaven, and they tried to use this argument to
dismiss the idea of an afterlife at all. But all our relationships will be
different in eternity.
Not only did Jesus point out this problem with the
Sadducees argument, but he also turned the argument around on them! The
Sadducees were very strict in the way they read the Torah and they would not
accept the traditions and teachings of many Jewish scholars who came before
2But, because the Torah played such a high view in
the theology of the Sadducees, Jesus chooses to quote from one of its defining
verses, Exodus 3:6 where God declares himself to Moses. Jesus answered them,
"And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in
the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not God of the
dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong" (Mark 12:26-27, ESV).
emphasized the fact that the verb used is "
am" not "
was," thus proving that
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were all conscious souls who still relate to God.
Given the Sadducees strict adherence to the written Torah, they had no way to
answer this, for to deny that scripture would make their entire belief system
crumble. It was a master stroke that demonstrated again just how knowledgeable
Jesus was and how he could draw upon logic as he needed to make his point and
silence his critics.