Many people who hold to a naturalistic explanation of the world believe that
who we are—our thoughts, our feelings, even our falling in love—is merely the
product of electrical and chemical reactions happening in a single organ of our
bodies: our brains.
[1] But as philosopher J.P. Moreland has
noted, it is virtually self-evident to most people that they are different from
their bodies.
[2] We see that in the way we treat people
with physical defects. A person who was born with no legs is not considered 80%
of a person because he only has 80% of his body. Rather, we understand
intuitively that feelings of pleasure and pain, the concept of knowing (such as
knowing that 2+2=4), and relationships we experience with others are things that
happen to us, not to our bodies.
There's something fundamentally different
about conscious experiences and physical effects. Physical effects, such as the
effect of gravity on any mass, are governed by natural laws and are simply brute
facts of cause and effect — if you let go of a ball, it will fall to the ground.
The ball doesn't have the "idea" to fall to the ground, nor does the earth have
the idea of pulling the ball down. Laws of nature are by their very definition
fixed and do not contemplate whether or not to act. However, conscious decisions
are not mere cause and effect. They are more than that. Take the act of raising
my hand. I can choose whether to raise my hand or not in normal circumstances.
If I decide to raise my hand, I can do so, but it's not inevitable that my hand
will raise until I've chosen to rise it, unlike the inevitability of a ball
falling when it is not supported by anything.
We see that our minds can
affect our bodies in other ways, too. Some people have a medical condition where
they cannot feel pain, while other people feel pain in limbs that they no longer
have. Certainly the experience of feeling pain is different from the physical
process of pain receptors receiving stimuli and transmitting electrical signals
to the brain. And the concept of what it means to be in pain is something that
cannot be explained by physical interactions. The ability to cognitively
understand you are experiencing pleasantness or unpleasantness is independent of
simple cause and effect laws.
Most naturalists (that is, people who believe
that everything can be explained by using only physical explanations) will say
that there really is no such thing as a mind
[3] or they
will believe the mind somehow shows up, but is only a result of physical states
Basically, naturalists believe that we somehow evolved our minds from more
primitive chemical interactions that happen to occur within one organ of our
bodies — the brain. But there are huge problems with this view and the general
understanding of what it means to be a person.
Evolution cannot account for
the existence of minds
Is it possible that evolution can account for the
emergence of a conscious mind from all those chemical interactions? Since
chemical interactions are responding to the laws of nature, like the ball above,
I can see no way how this independent decision-making capability will "pop" into
existence. In fact, if such a possibility were to exist, it would undermine all
of our scientific principles. We count on the laws of nature to be consistent.
Imagine if a plastics manufacturer mixed his chemical ingredients together and
the carbon decided not to bond with the hydrogen! It would be tough to get that
new iPhone this way!
[5] As J.P. Moreland noted, the
emergence of consciousness from a physical organ "seems to be a case of getting
something from nothing."
Computer simulation
programs and artificial intelligence are sometimes claimed as showing how
intelligence may emerge from the mechanistic antecedents, but this is the stuff
of science fiction, not science. Even a computer program that has the capacity
to "learn" has been programmed to write the results of a precedent condition and
pass that back through only a predefined series of options. Thus an AI program
may generate new sentences if programmed to do so, but it can never decide to
not run its own program.
So, how in a universe that starts with only natural
laws, these brute facts of cause and effect, can consciousness come into
existence? How do you evolve consciousness from non-conscious materials that
only interact mechanistically? In all that we observe, we note that minds only
have their origin in other minds. Plants don't produce thinking plants, but
thinking people can produce new thinking people. If you think about it, you will
soon see that matter and the laws of nature are simply powerless to create
intelligence. And the fact that you can think about it argues that there must be
a mind who produced man.